
Year 3 Certificate - Pastoral Ministry


The Year 3 Program consists of pastoral ministry training for those who want to lead local churches or church planting efforts. Further instruction is given in biblical prophecy and dispensational theology but the major focus is on the day-to-day work of the pastor - whether it be preaching, counseling, or church planting. The Year 3 program includes an internship practicum designed to foster mentoring and encouragement.

Major Prophets

An introduction to biblical prophecy through a study of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel & Daniel, with a focus on New Testament fulfillment


Pastoral Theology

A consideration of the pastor and his total ministry in the church, both in the pulpit and in his personal relationship to his flock, the community, and the church at large

Minor Prophets

A complete look at the books of Hosea through Malachi concentrating on their implications toward eschatology, Israel’s captivity, and her future Messiah


Biblical Counseling

An introduction to biblical counseling that calls upon previous coursework to develop the pastor’s counseling skills, personal maturity, and spiritual integrity


A systematic, dispensational examination of end times doctrine, starting with the rapture of the church and culminating with the return of Jesus Christ to His kingdom


Dispensational Survey

A study of the deeper implications which dispensationalism has on the doctrines of the Bible, and thus the walk of the believer in the age of grace

Pastoral Epistles

A course on the Pauline epistles I Timothy through Philemon designed to equip church leaders with practical pastoral training and church governance doctrine



A course of further instruction on the practice of biblical applications leading to proficiency in preaching, teaching and connecting with the people’s hearts and minds